Weight loss smoothies: 23 recipes with calories

Do you know what Alessandra Ambrosio, Jessica Alba, Blake Lively, Gwyneth Paltrow and Rosie Huntington-Whiteley have in common? Besides the fact that all these Hollywood actresses are incredible beauties with impeccable figures, they all actively use smoothies to lose weight and have their own recipes for these drinks.

For example, Alessandra uses them to enhance her workouts, Jessica replaces multiple meals a day with them, Lively schedules fasting days with them, Paltrow uses them daily, and Rosie starts hershine with them. The results of such a diet are obvious: all the girls look amazing. Shouldn't we follow their example?

What is it

Smoothie - a delicious thick drink that helps lose weight

Before losing weight with smoothies, you need to find out what it is and how it differs from the same fresh drink. It is a sweet drink (pay attention to this! ) made from berries, fruits, herbs or vegetables with added juice. So, common recipes include honey, sugar, dried fruits, stevia, molasses, jam, sweeteners and other sweeteners. But as part of a healthy diet and diet, these ingredients are eliminated, helping to reduce calorie intake.

Unlike fresh juices, smoothies contain not only the liquid part of the ingredients but also the pulp. Moreover, some peel fruits and vegetables from seeds, peels and membranes, while others grind all these "good" things so as not to lose a single gram of vitamins. Therefore, they contain more nutrients, are more nutritious and provide a lasting feeling of fullness. This is very important for losing weight, because you won't have to fight those pesky hunger pangs, which means the risk of failure is minimal.

Second difference: juicers are used to make fresh juice and blenders or mixers are used to make smoothies.

Why is it called that?The word "smoothie" comes from the English word "smoothie", which translates as "soft, smooth, pleasant".

Effects on the body

Main uses of vitamins:

  • retains plant fiber, antioxidants and vitamins;
  • contains easily digestible carbohydrates, which help increase vitality, energy, improve mood and increase performance;
  • has anti-stress effect;
  • strengthen the immune system;
  • cleanses the body of waste and toxins;
  • Improve digestion thanks to fiber;
  • satisfy and quench thirst at the same time;
  • promote weight loss.

The last characteristic is the most important, since many people consider this drink the basis of their diet. And it's not in vain:

  • normalization of digestion leads to the fact that fats are not used as reserves, but are converted into useful energy;
  • Colon cleansing can remove a few kilograms;
  • Prolonged saturation leads to a decrease in total daily calories and allows you to maintain the diet to the end;
  • improves metabolism activating lipolysis;
  • Removing excess fluid from the body means losing another 1-2 kg;
  • Removing cholesterol plaques also promotes weight loss;
  • The cocktail's puree-like consistency helps normalize the water-salt balance.

So smoothies have an ongoing benefit for health in general and weight loss in particular. True, to extract it, you need to be able to prepare it correctly. After all, the presence of high-calorie foods and sweeteners in the composition can lead to the opposite result.

Through the pages of history.No one knows exactly who and when invented this drink and called it that. The first version says that this term appeared among hippies, and the second version claims that such cocktails were invented by surfers in the Pacific Ocean.


Smoothies based on berries, fruits and vegetables

There are many different types of smoothies and you need to know which ones can be used for weight loss and which ones cannot.

Burn fat

Some foods contain substances that trigger growth hormone production. These are vitamin C, taurine, methionine, magnesium and iodine. Under their influence, cells begin to divide intensively (nails thicken, hair stops falling out and becomes thicker, muscle mass increases), requiring the body to replenish additional energy. This leads to the consumption of stored fat.

Another group of foods is called "negative calories": they spend more energy on processing than they can provide to the body. And again fat reserves are consumed.

These products are called fat burners, and if you make smoothies from them, the effect will not be long in coming. Here is their list:


  • broccoli;
  • carrot;
  • Cucumber;
  • tomato;
  • salty cabbage;
  • sugar beet;
  • pumpkin;
  • cauliflower.

Green trees:

  • leaf salad;
  • arugula;
  • celery;
  • asparagus;
  • Spinach;
  • sorrel.


  • avocado;
  • Pineapple;
  • oranges;
  • grapefruit;
  • Kiwi;
  • lemon;
  • Mangoes;
  • tangerine;
  • apple.


  • Strawberry;
  • Cranberries;
  • Raspberries;
  • grape;
  • blueberry.

Drinks (to dilute):

  • Pineapple juice;
  • Water;
  • green tea;
  • yogurt;
  • mineral water;
  • tomato juice.

Fat burning smoothies are the most effective way to get rid of fat deposits in problem areas of the body; they can be used to reduce belly fat.


Weight loss is only possible if you burn more calories each day than you take in. Accordingly, you need to increase physical activity and reduce calorie intake. Diet smoothies made from foods with minimal calories will help with this. They are mainly prepared from vegetables, because berries and fruits contain more sugar.

Recommended products (calorie content under 40):

Products Kcal
Watermelons 27
Broccoli 34
blueberry 39
grapefruit 35
melon 35
black berries 34
Zucchini 24
Brussels cabbage 35
Cabbage 16
savoy cabbage 28
Cauliflower thirty
Cranberry tree 28
Lemon 34
Tangerine 38
carrot 35
sea kale 25
Cucumber 14
Grapefruit 38
Tomato 24
Lettuce leaves 16
Celery 34
Pumpkin 22
Spinach 23

But you should not abuse these products (calorie content above 50):

Products Kcal
Avocado 160
Pineapple 52
banana 96
Grape 72
Cherry 52
Grenade 72
Durian 147
Potato 77
Mangoes 60
sea buckthorn 82
Red rowan 50
Rowan chokeberry 55
Jerusalem artichoke sixty one
Feijoa sixty one
Peach sixty seven
Cherry 52
Garlic 149
Mulberry 50
rose hips 109

Diet smoothies are recommended for overall weight loss as part of any weight loss program.


Making smoothies from foods known for their purifying properties makes for great detox drinks. They can be used to organize fasting days.

What we cook from:

  • from greens: lettuce, dill, celery, parsley;
  • from drinks: mineral water, fresh fruit juice, green tea;
  • from vegetables: radishes, carrots, cabbage, cucumbers, pumpkins;
  • from oats and bran;
  • from nuts;
  • from dried fruits;
  • from fruits: plums, apples, cherries, lemons, peaches, pears, apricots, grapefruit, oranges;
  • from berries: black currants, strawberries, cranberries, cranberries, gooseberries.

What we try not to add:

  • wine;
  • coffee;
  • spice;
  • radish;
  • spice;
  • Seeds;
  • Black tea;
  • Spinach;
  • sorrel.

Detox smoothies are recommended for general body detoxification, as well as for cleansing certain organs and systems.

Milk / protein / protein

If you dilute fruits and berries in smoothies with milk, kefir, yogurt or whey, they will become a good source of protein for the body. During weight loss, it plays an important role. When deficient, energy begins to be extracted mainly from muscle fibers and not from stored fat. Their breakdown leads to general exhaustion of the body. Protein prevents this, accelerating the process of building muscle mass and redirecting all forces to the burning of fat cells.

Protein smoothies are suitable for people who actively participate in sports, not only losing weight but shaping their bodies to be slim and sculpted.

That's good.In American bars, there is a distinction between "thick" and "thin" smoothies. The latter contains no added sweeteners and eliminates the natural sugars found in berries and fruits.

Cooking features

The good thing about smoothies is that they can be prepared easily and quickly at home using a blender or mixer. However, there are also secrets here that can make it more useful and effective.

General recommendations

Smoothie ingredients: solid ingredients (fruits, vegetables, herbs, berries) and liquid (usually juice or water). Canned products should not be used. But frozen fruits and berries will come in handy in hot weather.

To lose weight, you cannot prepare smoothies only from fruits - they contain a lot of fructose and glucose. It is better to dilute it with green leafy vegetables and root vegetables. All ingredients must be natural, it is better to take seasonal products. They must be washed thoroughly.

Some people recommend removing peels, seeds, pulp and albedo (the white layer under the skin of citrus fruits) from fruits and vegetables because they can contain toxins and cause a softer texture. But everyone decides for himself. For example, Albedo has a very high concentration of useful substances.

There's a heated debate about soy milk in smoothies. On the one hand, it reduces the overall calorie content and is ideal for vegetarians. On the other hand, recently they have been talking more and more about soybeans as a genetically modified product.

Many vitamins and minerals are absorbed only through fat. Therefore, it is recommended to add 1 teaspoon of any product containing fat to the smoothie: pureed avocado, olive oil or sour cream.

Advice.To properly prepare a smoothie in a blender, you need the highest blending speed.

Universal formula

  1. Squeeze the juice to dilute.
  2. Tear the green leaves by hand.
  3. Mix the herbs and freshly squeezed juice (can be substituted with water, green tea or milk beverage) in a blender for 1 minute.
  4. Cut fruits and vegetables into large pieces and put them in a blender with the berries. Beat for 1-1. 5 minutes.
  5. Pour into a glass, decorate on top with mint sprigs (traditional decoration), whole berries and ground nuts (be careful with them: they are very high in calories and can spoil the results of weight lossyour).

Ideal ratio

  • Fruit and berry smoothie = 40% leafy greens + 60% fruit and berries.
  • Vegetables = 70% vegetables + 30% fruits and berries.
  • Greens = 40% vegetables + 40% greens + 20% fruits and berries.

The amount of liquid is selected "by eye". If you need a nutritious cocktail that acts as a stand-alone dish and replaces an entire meal, add no more than 50 ml per serving (250-300 ml). In summer, to quench your thirst, you can drink more liquid - 100-150 ml.

To make smoothies you need to use a blender

Some supplements in minimal amounts (literally a pinch) will help enhance fat burning effectiveness:

  • vanilla;
  • Goji berries;
  • ginger;
  • cocoa powder;
  • Cinnamon;
  • Peruvian poppy;
  • nuts;
  • protein;
  • Worker bees;
  • flax seeds, sesame seeds, chia seeds, hemp seeds, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds;
  • spirulina, kelp, chlorella;
  • lemon peel.

Ideal combination


  • banana + pineapple + green apple + spinach;
  • banana + peach + cucumber + lettuce;
  • banana + dates + avocado + lettuce + soy milk + cinnamon powder;
  • banana + green apple + strawberry;
  • green apple + apricot + carrot + spinach;
  • green apple + kiwi + strawberry;
  • green apple + strawberry + black grape.


  • bell pepper + green apple + lettuce + pumpkin seeds;
  • carrot + green apple + cucumber + avocado + spinach;
  • carrots + beets + cucumbers + green apples + lettuce + parsley;
  • carrot + celery + green apple;
  • cucumber + broccoli + pineapple;
  • pumpkin + carrots.


  • banana + pineapple + spinach + avocado;
  • banana + green apple + lettuce;
  • green apple + celery stalk + lettuce + spinach + parsley + almond milk;
  • mango + cucumber + lettuce.

If you are making your own recipe, remember the golden rule: the ideal drink includes no more than 5 solid ingredients, 1-2 spices and 1 liquid for dilution.

You cannot add cream, jam, sugar or any other sweetener that increases the calorie content and is harmful to weight loss.

Interesting fact.In bars in America, smoothies are also divided into many types depending on the effects they bring. Before placing an order, the customer is asked exactly what he wants: to relax or cheer up, to cheer up or calm down, to quench his thirst or eat.

Weight loss plan

Once you've mastered the art of smoothie making, it's time to choose a weight loss program and learn how to drink it properly. The result will also largely depend on this.

The smoothie diet will help you lose weight effectively

First you need to divide its types by meals:

  • for breakfast, it is better to drink the highest-calorie fruit smoothies to provide energy for the whole day;
  • for lunches, make them as nutritious and dense as possible, vegetables and lots of ingredients are suitable;
  • For dinner, greens will be an ideal choice, as they improve digestion, setting the digestive tract up for a night of rest;
  • for lunch and afternoon snack, before or after training (+/- half an hour), drink protein smoothies - they will preserve muscle mass;
  • At night, you can drink a single-ingredient drink (for example, orange or strawberry) with a small amount of low-fat kefir.

Now directly to the weight loss plan.

The vegetarian Day

During the day, you need to drink 2. 5 liters of filtered water and 1 liter of low-calorie detox smoothie in small portions (it is better to take the simplest recipe, from 1-2 products). During the first 2 months, arrange such unloading weekly, then every 2 weeks. The result is minus 1-1. 5 kg per day.

Single diet

You will have to completely give up solid foods and replace all meals with smoothies. It can be different, maybe from some specific products (e. g. focus on vegetables, greens or fruits). A significant disadvantage of such weight loss is intestinal disorders at the end of the diet, since the stomach becomes unaccustomed to digesting solid food. Duration - from 3 to 7 days, no more. The result is minus 3-4 kg.


The smoothie diet does not involve replacing all meals with these drinks but just one or two meals. This allows you to avoid problems with the digestive tract. Usually, breakfast is chosen because it is important to increase energy for the day and/or instead of dinner to reduce the work of the stomach at night. Time: 1-2 weeks. The result is minus 5-6 kg.

As a sports supplement

In the context of a healthy diet or any diet, protein smoothies can be drunk not only for weight loss but also to maintain and build muscle mass. To do this, you need to drink this drink 30-60 minutes before training and at the same time after.

Use regularly

To maintain a normal weight and not gain extra pounds, it is recommended to drink a diet smoothie at lunch or as an afternoon snack as a preventive measure in the context of a healthy diet.

A spoonful of tar.Regular consumption of smoothies can lead to the development of tooth decay.

Cooking recipe

Since mixers still have much lower power and mixing speed, we provide recipes for making blenders ideal for making smoothies.

*Note.The calorie content of each dish is expressed per 100 ml of drink and not based on the ratio specified in the recipe.

Vegetable smoothie

  • From pumpkin (40 kcal)

    Chop pumpkin pulp (250 g) and 1 banana. Pour 100 ml of 1% kefir. Beat in blender.

  • From broccoli (75 kcal)

    Use your hands to tear the lettuce leaves (50 g) and pour in 200 ml of 1% kefir. Beat in blender. Add chopped broccoli (150 g), add coriander seeds (10 g). Mix.

    A hearty glass of broccoli can replace a full lunch. It is also known as cream soup.

  • From beets (90 kcal)

    Using your hands, tear the spinach (150 g) and asparagus (250 g) into large pieces. Pour in beetroot juice (150 ml), put it in a blender and beat well. Add boiled radish (150 g), cut into large pieces, and 2 figs. Whisk the ingredients again.

    Beetroot smoothie for lunch on a weight loss diet

    This dish makes lunch even more delicious than broccoli.

  • Carrots (79 kcal)

    Chop 1 carrot and 1 green apple. Pour in 100 ml of 1. 5% milk and 100 ml of Greek yogurt. Add 50 g oatmeal. Beat in blender.

Fruit Smoothies

  • From kiwi (63 kcal)

    Chop 2 kiwis, add 50 g of oatmeal, pour in 200 ml of low-fat kefir.

  • With pineapple (60 kcal)

    Chop 1 banana, 1 hard pear, 100 g pineapple, add 5 strawberries. Pour in 100ml of soy milk. Beat.

  • With grapefruit (80 kcal)

    Cut ½ grapefruit and ½ orange (without white fibers) into large pieces, pour 200 ml of low-fat yogurt without additives or dyes on top. Beat in blender.

  • From avocado (100 kcal)

    Grind 50 g of parsley, dill, coriander leaves. Pour 200 ml of still mineral water. Beat. Cut 2 cucumbers, 2 avocados into pieces, put into green mass. Sprinkle with a little sea salt and black pepper. Pour in 50ml of lemon juice. Mix with a blender.

    A very tasty and nutritious drink that can easily replace any meal.

  • Banana (60 kcal)

    Roughly chop 200 g banana pulp, 150 g kiwi, add 5-6 seeded plums. Pour in natural low-fat yogurt (200 ml). To taste, add 10 g of honey.

Green smoothie

  • From celery (44 kcal)

    Mix chopped parsley, fennel and arugula to make a total of 200g, chop 3 celery stalks. Add 200 ml kefir (minimum fat content), ½ tsp. olive oil. Beat in blender.

  • With spinach (47 kcal)

    Tear 100 g of spinach, pour 100 ml of chilled green tea. Beat. Add 50 g green apple and kiwi, cut into pieces.

  • With spinach and celery (30 kcal)

    Pour large pieces of spinach leaves and celery stalks (100 g each) with mineral water (100 ml). Mix in blender. Add 50 g green apple, kiwi and cucumber. Fight.

"Star" recipes

  • Alessandra Ambrosio Green (50 kcal)

    Tear 400 g of spinach, pour in 400 ml of almond milk. Beat. Cut 1 apple and 1 banana into pieces and add them to the spinach milk mixture along with 50 g of oatmeal. Add a little cinnamon and a spoonful of coconut oil. Stir again.

    Divide into 2 parts and drink half an hour before training and half an hour after.

  • Cabbage from Jessica Alba (58 kcal)

    Finely chop kale (400 g), mix with Greek yogurt (200 ml). Add 50 g of raspberries and raspberries, 20 ml of honey. Fight.

    Drink instead of breakfast or lunch.

  • Apples from Blake Lively (54 kcal)

    Finely chop celery stalks (100 g), chop cilantro (10 g) and pour in coconut water (100 ml). Mix. Add chopped kiwi (2 pcs. ), avocado (1 pc. ). Mix in blender.

    Here's how Blake Lively organizes her fasting day.

  • Coconut from Gwyneth Paltrow (45 kcal)

    Chop the pulp of 1 coconut, pour in the same type of coconut milk, add 100 ml of aloe vera juice and 20 g of chopped cilantro. Beat.

    Paltrow claims that with regular use of this drink, fasting days are not necessary: it perfectly cleanses all organs and systems of toxins.

  • With chia seeds from Rosie Huntington-Whiteley (59 kcal)

    Pour chopped cabbage (200 g) with coconut milk (200 ml). Mix. Add avocado (1 fruit), apple (½), chia seeds (10 g). Beat in blender.

    Rosie drinks this drink every morning instead of breakfast.

Winter smoothie

  • Chocolate (109 kcal)

    Mix frozen raspberries (250 g), honey (10 g), low-fat fermented baked milk (100 ml), dark chocolate (30 g) in a blender.

  • Apple (30 kcal)

    Apples are on store shelves all year round, so you can use them to make diet drinks even in winter. 100 g of any green plant (needed in the cold season to increase immunity) pour 200 ml of mineral water. Add 100 g of chopped apples and the same amount of kiwi. Fight.

  • Tangerine (48 kcal)

    Pour 100 ml of low-fat kefir and 100 ml of orange juice into three tangerine slices. Beat. Add a few frozen berries on top. A great choice to lose weight during the New Year holidays.

Other recipes

  • With oatmeal (79 kcal)

    Cut 1 slightly green banana, add 100 ml of soy milk and 100 ml of Greek yogurt. Beat. Add 50 g of oatmeal, a pinch of cinnamon and 10 ml of honey. Mix.

  • From kefir (43 kcal)

    Pour 50 g of crushed wheat germ with 200 ml of low-fat kefir and 50 ml of natural yogurt. Mix. Add 100 g strawberries and 10 ml honey. Fight.

  • With cheese (62 kcal)

    Mix 400 g low-fat cheese, 150 g blueberries, 200 ml low-fat milk. Ideal protein drink formula for athletes.

These are the best weight loss smoothies recommended by nutritionists and have many positive reviews. Be sure to try different recipes to see what works best for you. All living things are so different that some people lose weight thanks to banana smoothies, despite their high calorie content, while for others, just drinking a glass of green tea a day is enough to maintainnormal body shape.